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Results of AGM held Friday night 15th January 2016

By promoynalvey Sat 16th Jan

A large crowd were in attendance for a very successful AGM held Friday night 15th January. Click this link to access a report on last night’s AGM, AGM Report. A Financial report is available on request from Kathleen McDermott. Listed below is a list of Officers elected to the EXecutive Committee for 2016.

Chairperson: Ollie Gilsenan (replacing the outgoing John Smyth)

Secretary: Kathleen McDermott

Vice Chairperson & Juvenile Chairman: Frank O’Sullivan

Juvenile Secretary: Mary Conneely
(Replacing the outgoing Leonora Walsh)

Treasurer: Donal Smith
(Replacing the outgoing Brenda Ruddy)

Club Delegate: Peter Collins & Padraig Dunne

Insurance Officer & Coaching Officer: Paul Conneely

PRO & IT Registrar: Paul Greene

Children’s Officer: Leonora Walsh

Safety Officer: Pat Gilsenan

Adult Men’s Player Rep: Stephen Donoghue

Adult Ladies Player Rep: Aideen Smith

Chairman of Ladies Committee: Declan Smith

Secretary of Ladies Committee: Pam Gilsenan

Other Executive Committee Members:
Mick Conneely, Peter Brien, Paddy O’Reilly, Kathleen Little

Sincere thanks to outgoing Chairman John Smyth, Outgoing Juvenile Secretary Leonora Walsh & outgoing Treasurer Brenda Ruddy for all their hard work over the last few years!!!

Also best of luck to all new Officers in their respective positions!!

By promoynalvey Sat 16th Jan

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