A Partnership between the IBTS and the GAA to encourage GAA members and supporters to give blood at local GAA club level. Please GIVE BLOOD at Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th May.
Reminder to Blood Donors in the Trim Area the Irish Blood Transfusion Service Mobile Unit will be located at Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th May from 4:30pm – 8pm.
Please Note Clinic Opening Times.
Help ensure that essential blood supplies are always available.
If you are fit and healthy, aged 18 to 65 (between 65 and 70 years if you have donated in the last 10 years), over 7st.12 lbs (50kg) and have not donated in the last 90 days, please make a special effort to come along.