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Jigsaw Meath Youth Particaption Panel

By promoynalvey Mon 6th Mar

Jigsaw Meath Youth Particaption Panel
Jigsaw Meath Youth Particaption Panel

What is the Jigsaw Meath Youth Advisory Panel?Through our Youth Advisory Panel, we listen to what young people have to say and involve them in shaping the ways in which we support their mental health.We are currently recruiting new members for our Youth Advisory Panel. If you’re interested, then find out more by emailing us or calling046 907 1702.Who are our Youth Advisory Panel?Our Youth Advisory Panel are young people from across Meath who volunteer to help us make a difference to young people’s mental health. At any one time we normally have around 20 members on our Youth Advisory Panel, all aged from 16-25 years. All of them are passionate about youth mental health and may serve a term of up to three years.They help us to:

  • raise awareness about youth mental health and why it needs to be taken seriously
  • build awareness of how we support young people and their communities
  • best support young people with their mental health
  • fundraise to support our services

Why be part of our Youth Advisory Panel? 

Being part of a Jigsaw Youth Advisory Panel provides lots of opportunity to learn about new things. Youth Advisory Panel members are currently involved with our:

  • Board of Directors
  • HR Sub Committee
  • Management Forum
  • Audit and Finance Sub Committee
  • Quality and Safety Sub Committee
  • Research Sub Committee
  • Education and Training Sub Committee
  • Communication & Fundraising Sub Committee
  • Operational Management Groups.
  • Jigsaw Advisory Groups

Over the past year, Youth Advisory Panel members have:

  • Regularly contributed to the Jigsaw website, and helped us develop resources for young people and their parents
  • Helped us in the development of new Jigsaw services and ideas for ways in which to support young people with their mental health
  • Helped us to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health
  • Joined us for events and activities to ensure the voice of young people is heard

 Why it matters to us that young people are part of Jigsaw?

  “The Youth Advisory Panel acts as our compass for when we are unsure about how to deliver, design and communicate about what we we do and why we do it.”
– Staff Member.

  •   Young people know what works for them better than anyone else. 
  •   They have a right to be consulted with respect to policies/issues affecting them
  •   They are more likely to use support and services when they are consulted and involved with them
  •   They help us to make better decisions




Jigsaw 2

By promoynalvey Mon 6th Mar

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