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Gaeltacht courses – Special rate for GAA Members

By promoynalvey Mon 20th May

A chara,

I hope you’re keeping well. I’d like to inform you of the Gaeltacht courses that are happening this summer. I thought that members who play and deal with the club might be interested in these courses.
This summer there are three options for adults to attend week-long Gaeltacht courses in Gaoth Dobhair, Donegal. All levels of Irish are catered for from complete beginners to someone with goof fluency. Below you will find the details for the courses:
Cúrsa A 30/06/19 – 06/07/19 
Cúrsa B 07/07/19 – 13/07/19
Cúrsa C 28/07/19 – 03/08/19
Cost: €250 – special price for members of GAA (usual price being €280)

Má tá aon cheisteanna agat maidir leis na cúrsaí, ná bíodh drogall ort teagmháil a dhéanamh liom agus is cinnte gur féidir an t-eolas seo scaipeadh i measc bhur mball.
If you’ve any questions regarding these courses, please don’t hesitate to get in contact and feel free to share this info with your members
Tá súil agam go bhfuil cúrsaí go maith leat. Táim ag scríobh chugat chun thú a chur ar an eolas maidir lenár gcúrsaí Gaeltachta a bheidh ar siúl le linn an tsamhraidh. Cheap mé go mbeadh suim ag roinnt daoine a bhíonn ag imirt agus ag plé leis an gcumann sna cúrsaí seo. 
Tá trí rogha an samhradh seo do dhaoine fásta freastal ar chúrsa seachtaine Gaeltachta i nGaoth Dobhair, Dún na nGall. Freastalítear ar gach leibhéal Gaeilge ón ghlantosaitheoir go duine le líofacht mhaith sa teanga. Feicfidh tú thíos na sonraí do na cúrsaí seo:
Dátaí: Cúrsa A 30/06/19 – 06/07/19 | Cúrsa B 07/07/19 – 13/07/19 | Cúrsa C 28/07/19 – 03/08/19
Costas: €250 – praghas speisialta do bhaill CLG (€280 de ghnáth)
Is féidir tuilleadh eolais a fháil anseo.
By promoynalvey Mon 20th May

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